Sadhana Ki Rah Par: Part 2 - Need-Greed & Renunciation :: जरूरतें, लालसा और त्याग - Saikaka

Sadhana Ki Rah Par: Part 2 – Need-Greed & Renunciation :: जरूरतें, लालसा और त्याग

#Sadhana ki #rah par are conversations with Gurudev Shri #Saikaka. He is a disciple of Baba #Muktanand who belonged to the great lineage of his Guru, Bhagwan #Nityananda of #GaneshPuri. On the #path of #Sadhana or #devotional #practice, in this video, Shri Saikaka speaks about #Need and #greed, about how much is #enough for people. He speaks about #Materilistic #behaviour of people. He also discuss about how much we should #gather and how much we should #give to others.

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